@OANN Christmas Ad

December 3, 2015

Great commercial from One America news network @OANN

American Greetings The Countdown to Christmas

November 18, 2014

The Christmas-friendly folks at American Greetings have come up with an app called The Countdown to Christmas.  Watch with wonder as the clock on the mantel counts down the days, hours, even seconds to Christmas!

  • Non-Member Price:$2.99 per download
  • Member Price:$1.99 per download


Have a look and enjoy.


Sainsbury’s WWI Christmas Ad

November 16, 2014
Sainsbury’s Christmas ad ‘Christmas Is For Sharing‘, was made in partnership with the Official Royal British Legion.  It’s inspired by the extraordinary story of 1914 Christmas truce.  The chocolate bar featured will be available to buy in your local Sainsbury’s. It’s £1, and all profits will be donated to the Royal British Legion.

Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas

November 14, 2014

I don’t have high hopes for the movie, but I respect Kirk Cameron and I hope for the best.  The movie opens in theaters today, November 14, 2014 for two weeks.  If you go to see it, post your reviews here and let us know what you thought of it.

Saving Christmas

AFA Naughty or Nice List is Published

November 11, 2014

Here’s AFA’s Naughty or Nice List for 2015.

Six retailers received their highest rating:

These retailers were at the bottom of their list:

Remember, you “vote” with your dollars.

Pentatonix Christmas Album

December 6, 2013

Talented new group with a twist on some Christmas music classics.

Free Adventures in Odyssey audio drama download

December 6, 2013

Free Adventures in Odyssey audio drama download

Free entertainment for your whole family, complements of Focus on the Family.  Click on the link for a free download of a Christmas episode titled “Peace on Earth.”


Macy’s Defends LGBT More Than Christmas

December 6, 2011


"Christmas" is Back in Vogue with many retailers that have begun to realize on which side their bread has always been buttered.  For some, like Macy’s, the reality that Christmas keeps them in business was denied as long as possible before agreeing this year that “Christmas” was okay to mention now and then.

How is it, though, that Macy’s is so quick to defend male cross-dressers using the ladies’ changing room?  Answer: political correctness run amok.

In their efforts to avoid offending anyone, Macy’s concludes, in its infinite wisdom, that men should be able to change in the ladies’ room and that “Christmas” is an unutterably offensive word.

Political correctness is batty, berserk, bonkers, chaotic, confused, cracked, crazed, defective, disordered, disorganized, erratic, flipped, a mess,  insane, mad, messy, nuts, out of order, out of whack, out to lunch, psycho, schizophrenic, screwball, screwy, touched, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged, wacky, and leaves everything it touches in pieces.  Choke the beast…avoid PC-ism at all costs, and in all its ugly forms.

Spend your Christmas dollars elsewhere and let’s see if the cross-dressers can keep Macy’s from going out-of-business.

Advances in the War Against Christmas

December 3, 2011

America has spoken, and the message is clear: we are tired of political correctness for the sake of those who “may be offended.”

The American Family Association published it’s 2011 Naughty & Nice list and so has the Liberty Council.

One day after the AFA’s threat to boycott Walgreens for blatantly ignoring Christmas in their advertisements, Walgreens responded:

November 22, 2011

Walgreens’ consumer relations has apologized for offending customers by labeling dozens of Christmas-specific items as "holiday" in its pre-Thanksgiving newspaper inserts last Sunday.

In responding to thousands of phone calls, Walgreens community affairs director John Gremer issued a statement to AFA, which says, in part:
"During the months of October and November, we make greater use of the word ‘holiday’ to include celebrations such as Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. But as Christmas Day draws closer, you’ll see more references to the word ‘Christmas.’ That includes the message, ‘Merry Christmas,’ which will be on the front of our newspaper sales insert on Dec. 25.

"We fully agree with you that – while we’re helping customers celebrate a variety of holidays during this time of year – we should continue and increase the use of the word ‘Christmas’ when referring to items specifically for the Christmas holiday."

AFA is grateful to Walgreens for its response and willingness to listen to customer concerns. As a result, AFA is suspending its "Christmas Boycott" of Walgreens.

Support those who recognize that Christmas is what keeps them in the black.

The First Thanksgiving Day Proclamation

November 24, 2011

The First Thanksgiving Day Proclamation

WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favour; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a DAY OF PUBLICK THANKSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:” ~ George Washington

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all!